Funeral Viewings: Public or Private?

Funeral Viewings: Public or Private?


When planning a funeral, many people opt for a viewing of the deceased during the proceedings. Often, a viewing can be an important first step in the mourning process and provides closure for those closest to the deceased. If you’ve decided that you would like a viewing at the funeral of your loved one, the next step will be to determine whether you want a public or a private viewing.

A private viewing is a viewing reserved to only immediate Frau auf Beerdigung mit Sargfamily members of the deceased, while a public viewing will include the deceased’s friends and anyone else invited to the funeral. Each option has different benefits. With a private viewing, the family is allowed special, private last moments with their deceased loved one, and it can be a very precious memory for all who attend. With a public viewing, all who cared for the deceased are allowed to pay their respects and find closure. It’s wise to consult with family members when making this important decision.

Some guests choose to have extended viewing hours, or multiple days where viewings take place. Under these circumstances, you may choose to have a time set aside for private viewing before allowing for a public viewing. Speak to our helpful staff about what your options are, and about what choices may be best for your family and other attendees. We’re here to help you create a meaningful memorial for your loved one, and would love to meet with you to discuss funeral arrangements. Come see us in Salt Lake City or contact us.

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